Knowing Spirit, Soul, Self & Earth! Akashic Record & Card Readings
Full Moon Meditation, Workshops, Private Sessions, Light Language, Ceremonies, Liquid Crystals, Starchild Children Sessions.
Full Moon Meditation, Workshops, Private Sessions, Light Language, Ceremonies, Liquid Crystals, Starchild Children Sessions.
Whether you come on a Sacred Spiritual Retreat, have a Reading, attend an Online Meditation or Workshop or have a Private Session with Tracey, she helps you to access to your own halls of wisdom, align the parts of self that have been lost or hidden and adds clarity to restore the understanding of your Life Purpose. This is your gift and opportunity for self discovery, self mastery, deep inner peace to trust in your own souls path. You are your healer Tracey is your Guide.
If you are uncertain of your path forward, have a relationship or family issue that is troubling you, if you are unsure about your finances and job security, have a reading to receive greater clarity, peace and purpose. Access your own hall of records to see your path more clearly.
Tracey's readings are like none other it is a journey and discovery of self and your own path. Know you, love you, honour you!
In Person at Golden Beach and Online.
*** To book an in-person session at Golden Beach please write "IN PERSON" in the comments at the time of booking.
The address shall be shared within 24 hours.***
Full Moons are a time for clearing and healing, and New Moons are a time to plant new Seeds. These Meditations help you to come back to yourself at a time when emotions can be running high. Let go of gunk, confusion, receive and breathe ... Designed to amplify your Wisdom, Love and Power, ignite your Self Healing abilities and access Feminine Goddess Self.
These journeying meditations work in alignment with the gifts, tests and astrological configurations at The Full Moon. They truly are Life changing activations, upgrading your Light Quotient, Cellular Life force and connection to the cyclic nature of life.
Powerfully healing Meditations, conducted ONLINE. Come on Live or receive the recording in our Private Group.
Only $33 per month
This Healing Extravaganza soothes the Soul ... Strengthens connection to Self ... Feel more Peaceful, Empowered, Grounded and Filled with Light & Life! Recognise your Life Progress, Release what no longer serves in relationships and generational healing. Receive a Sound Healing & Spiritual Expression in Song with Light Language & Selenite Sword Activation. A mini Akashic Record Reading, Past Life Exploration, Cord Completion, Etheric Healing, Time Line reorganisation, Rewriting of Cellular Memory ~ all in one Session!
In Person at Golden Beach, FaceTime, Messenger, Online.
To book in person please contact to organise time and address.
To work online simply click the link below and pick a time and date.
Whoo Hoo you asked for it and here it is!
Weekly Astrology, Crystal of the Day Updates & Meditation
Mini Meditation/Activations are a short, purpose driven meditation that is designed for a quick energetic and enlightening pick-me-up.
Receive a brief message from Tracey about the weekly energy shifts, pitfalls and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. The vision of the activation is to energetically dissolve blocks, access more intuition, regain flow, peace, inner wisdom to find more balance within.
Access Link below!
Receive your recorded weekly updates and meditation on Monday mornings
2 x 20 minutes downloads and feel great!.
Only $22 per week.
Join anytime leave anytime.
Dedicate 1 hour for 6 weeks for a Live Online deep dive Q&A & Sacred Meditation/Activation Wednesday evenings with Tracey.
Monday Morning activation is a purpose driven weekly energy update of the astrological shifts, crystals, pitfalls and opportunities for spiritual growth and business flow. A 30 minute energetic pick-me-up.
1 x pre-recored 5 min activation for Morning preparation & Evening Clearing Activation
Daily Contact and updates on a Private Facebook page.
Beginning 22/01/2025 ~ 11 people per class only
Find out more on workshop page or click the link below to join.
What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.
To book an in Person Reading, Private Session, Full Whammy, Children Session or Liquid Crystal Remedy use 'Book Now' Button above. For in person sessions please write in person at time of booking.
Card Reading & Spiritual Development Workshops online and in Person.
Solstice & Equinox Ceremonies, Children Sessions.
Golden Beach or Online
Readings, Healings and Sound Sessions ~ I am no longer at Eumundi Markets~I am still reading face to face at Golden Beach & online via FaceT...
Golden Beach or Online
Learn the ins and outs of setting up your sacred space, preparing self for optimal and pure connection to spirit and higher self. Working wi...
in the comfort of your home
Peace … Clarity … Healing … Powerful and Enlightening Monthly Online Full Moon Meditation / Activations! Come back to self at a time when em...
in the comfort of your home
Spiritual & Psychic Development Online
30-40min ~ Spiritual zap ~ live & recorded. Each week is a new weekly 'Focus' with Meditation/Activation offering foresight on the energetic...
Spiritual & Psychic Development Online
in the comfort of your home recorded live sessions & group live chat daily tips
Inner exploration for Spiritual Development & Faith in Self! Working with crystals, cycles, meditation, activation with Live and recorded C...
in the comfort of your home recorded live sessions & group live chat daily tips
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